Our Values

Giving street-connected children a chance

Chance for Children aims to give street-connected children in Ghana a dignified life and a better outlook on their future.

Our mission is to improve the safety, well-being, and livelihoods of street-connected children and their families.

Our strength lies in our emphasis on understanding the individual needs of every child and leveraging an integrated approach that addresses their health, emotional, and social development. In addition, our approach grants access to formal education, vocational training, and skill-building to improve livelihoods while maintaining efforts toward family reintegration when appropriate.



  • We work towards strengthening families so that children do not run away
  • We aim to work with organizations, other groups, and the Government to promote the welfare of street-connected children and their families
  • We strive to guide street-connected children back into their families when appropriate
  • We aspire to relieve street-connected children from the pressures of the street
  • We aim to provide those street-connected children who cannot immediately return to their families with a temporary home until they can be reintegrated
  • We give street-connected children the opportunity for a formal education and/ or vocational training
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Honesty: Being consistently open and honest at all levels of our work
Commitment: Working with urgency and commitment in responding to the needs of the children
Quality: Always delivering and striving for improvement in the quality of our work
Teamwork: Listening to and respecting each other while working together to achieve our goals
Recognition: Appreciating and supporting the role played by each worker
Professionalism: Acting with integrity, reliability, and responsibility at all times
