Street Work Accra

Initial contact

Chance for Children’s street workers are working on the street in the areas of Agbogbloshie, Kokomba, Railways and Abossey Okai from Monday to Friday empowering thousands of street-connected children through guidance and workshops on essential issues (health, education, family planning, etc.).

Earning the trust of a child on the street takes time, thus our street workers carefully initiate contact with them and slowly build a trusting relationship. We interact with hundreds of children every month. With some of them, we intensify this relationship by visiting their relatives, assessing their educational options or inviting them to join activities. After some time, the children are either reintegrated into their families, referred to our drop-in centre or recommended to other NGOs.

In 2021, we engaged young adults, otherwise known as “street champions,” who resided in the street area and were ready to contribute their quota to improving the street environment, especially for street-connected children. They received leadership/ communication training that allowed them to support the street workers’ community advocacy programs and assisted in referring children. Through them, we collected valuable information about street-connected children, allowing us to adjust our interventions continuously.

Our results in 2023*

  • 1,587 children reached on the street

  • 190 children referred to the Drop-in Centre

  • 90 workshops with children & youth on essential life skills

  • 26 children enrolled in Primary School

CFC’s work has been impacted by the measures the Ghanaian government introduced to contain COVID-19. Our street workers had to cease their activities and the drop-in center was closed between March and September 2020.

CFC instantly responded with a customized approach to this complex situation in-line with official advice and without jeopardizing children’s safety.

The 2021 results reflect these unprecedented times in scale, impact and the restriction of our activities.