
The Chance for Children Association exists as a charity club. The goal of the Association is the ideological and financial support of Chance for Children Ghana. It is based in Eschenbach (Switzerland) and is established as a non-profit association by virtue of the article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code. The Association is politically and denominationally neutral.

Since the inception of Chance for Children, many friends, family members and acquaintances have been involved with the Association on a voluntary basis. These supportive relationships have been the foundation on which Chance for Children has grown over the last 25 years.

We would like to thank all of our members for their continuous and tireless commitment.

If you would also like to become a part of the CFC family, you can become a member of our Association. These are the statues of our Association. Download here the CFC-Beitrittserklärung (in German) for the Chance for Children Association membership. If you have any questions, please contact the Association President, Martin Jud.

Steering Committee
– Martin Jud, President
– Rolf Leuzinger
– Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah
– Sandra Selorm
– Isabella Eichmann


Membership fee
– CHF 40.- for individual members
– CHF 60.- for couples/families
– CHF 100.- for companies

Chance for Children Association’s bank details
Raiffeisenbank Benken
Account name: Verein Chance for Children
Obere Delgg 3, 8733Eschenbach
CH84 8080 8006 8015 2684 8

CFC Association Members
Login for Members