Vocational Training

Technical Vocational Education and Training Program, CFC TVET Agency

As part of CFC’s expanded strategy, we developed together with SITECO a program that is unique for Ghana and based on Switzerland’s dual vocational training model. The program under the umbrella of Chance for Children takes into consideration the special needs and strengths of street-connected young adults. It aims to strengthen young street-connected adults to improve the quality of their lives.

This concept focuses on combining skills (work-based practice, 80%) and knowledge (school-based theory, 20%) with ethical standards (attitude and habits).

It has the following goals:

  • to support our young people after completion of basic school making a step into to the job market

  • to support and coach the apprentices working in a company

  • to support the «In-Company-Trainers»

  • to run a «Competence Centre for TVET»: documentation, information, communication, knowledge, consultation, impetus, international connections, workshops

  • to inspire CEOs to train the offspring of their companies themselves

  • to setup a «TVET Business Club» to share the project with companies