
Drop-in Centre

Since its inception, when CFC’s work was conducted on a small scale, Agbogbloshie has been our focal point. To ensure the best possible access for all street-connected children to our services, Chance for Children opened the current drop-in centre (DIC) there in 2015. At the DIC, we focus on easing the pressures of living on the streets. Up to 45 boys and girls ages 6-14 receive daily a hot meal, medical and psychological care, and can participate in classes and workshops. It also serves as a place to bathe, wash their clothes, rest, or play.

The drop-in centre’s social workers and educators provide the best possible care for the children. Through various lessons, activities, and workshops, we empower street-connected children to better their lives and outlook where other interventions, such as placement in homes or reunification into their families, cannot be carried out.

Yearly, over 500 children recover from the hardships of the streets and attend the activities at our drop-in centre.

Street Work

Chance for Children street workers are present daily on the street in the areas of Agbogbloshie, Kokomba, Railways and Abbossey Okai where many street-connected children are finding ways to make money and seek food and shelter. Many of them work on the waste dump of electrical and metal equipment in Agbogbloshie (Sodom). The intensity of this area makes the work very wearing and demanding.

We recognize the importance of understanding the local circumstances and the need for an individualized approach. Thus, our street workers mindfully establish contact with the children in an environment familiar to them, emphasizing treating them with respect and acceptance. The workers join the children in their activities and slowly establish trust, eventually allowing them to confide in them.

Our street workers have about 400-600 contacts with street-connected children every month.

Reunification with Families and Following up with Children in Families

Chance for Children always places the greatest importance on reunifying street-connected children with their families. This process, however, is long and intensive and requires an individualized and sensible approach that puts the child’s best interests first.

We begin by evaluating the child and family situation, including the child’s reason for leaving the home. If motivated by financial hardships, we try to contribute to the child directly by enabling her or him to continue an education. We also strive to empower the parents to earn their own living to provide for their family. Our social workers regularly visit the families to ensure the child’s positive development.

The social workers reach out to hundreds of children and their families yearly.